Greetings to Art Farmers = Coders
New year is always a new beginning for everything. First of all , we would like to congratulate the former committee for their contribution and support in handling this club in 2010. We really appreciate every single effort the team has made. As for the year of 2011, new election has been selected. New vision and aims has been proposed. Art Farm is now a leading club for Double IB and Ganaz Studio.
Virvin Anthony - President
Hector Ooi - Deputy President
Yeoh Hui Qu - Vice President
Virvin Anthony, has been elected as our new President followed by Hector as Deputy President and Hui Qu as Vice President.
Aims of 2011 :
- To have
more members join the club.
Participation of members towards the club.
- Giving
opportunity to everyone to participate equally.
Organizing more activities and events.
- To
promote the club to the next level.
Art Farm will continue to updates the blogs more regularly and stay updates on our blogs for more infos.